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galleryv1.5 Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

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plugin This Syntax Plugin allows you to embed an automatically created image gallery into a page. In addition there is a magazine Layout and a paged browsing Option

Last updated on
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This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to gallery

Tagged with ajax, gallery, images, listing, media, namespace


The description is identical to gallery. In addition there are the options:


This means to use the Magazine Layout with an total width of 120px and a spacing between of 5px. You can combine some more options like lightbox, the lightboxe sizes and reverse. There is another thing now: By adding a space at the left or the right of the namespace, the imageblock will be aligned (floated) on the right or left.


pageAmount=10 shows ten images per page. The Option is compatible with the magazine and standard layout.

More About and Download

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Thanks a lot. This plugin makes beautiful galleries very easily, and integrates cleanly with the media manager!